Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Up-Coming Events

Today we completed the last new lesson in our graphing and statistics chapter. Students will do an informal cooperative learning session tomorrow to prepare for their test on Friday. Every student spent time in class filling out a vocabulary sheet. The best way to study vocabulary is to hand it to another person and have them say the word on the list and the student supply the definition from memory.

Kids love to say they studied, but what they have usually done is read the list over several times. They trick themselves into thinking they know it, but when the paper is no longer there to refer to they haven't committed it into long term memory. Think of how many times you have done that. I do it every time I make a grocery list. Take the list away and I can't remember a single thing I'm out of!

The test they are taking over this unit will be their last grade for the six weeks. Report cards will be distributed in homeroom on Oct. 7th. Attached will be information regarding parent teacher conference sign-up. This is done much different than you are used to in elementary. Teacher conference times will fill up quickly and you will only see one core class teacher.
Have your child return their slip immediately to their homeroom teacher on Monday. Don't forget to then check with your child to see if he/she did indeed turn it in. You might be surprised how many of those end up at the bottom of a back pack never to be seen again!


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