Wednesday, October 26, 2005


We have been multiplying and dividing decimals in class this week. We have done several mini-labs to help students make sense of what is happening. Accuracy is always an issue. Several tips have been given to minimize errors: use graph paper or turn lined paper side-ways and use the blue lines as columns, students can also refer to their multiplication chart on p. 14 of their assignment book. There will be a quiz on Monday. Mid-terms and Math Class Newsletters were sent home this week.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Important Papers

Last Friday students were given their report cards. Please go over these with your student. Spend some time discussing the comments the teachers made. Praise your child for the positives and work out a plan of action if their were any constructive critisms on the report.

Attached to the report card was a blue form for Parent/Teacher Conferences to be held next week. If you wish to have a conference time these need to be returned to your child's first hour teacher immediately. Times fill-up fast. Also attached to the report card was a pink Parent Survey form that needs to be filled out and returned to your child's homeroom teacher. The deadline for return is Tuesday, October 11. These are anonymous, so please do not sign the paper. This data is collected as part of our School Improvement Plan information.

We will take our third chapter test on Thursday. We have spent some time on estimation. Next time you are at the store ask your student to estimate what was spent and then see how close he/she was. The more practice the better!