Fraction Food Lab - Student Sound Bites
Hunter S: I had fun during the food lab, we did have a few mistakes! There was too much milk in them. That made them gooey. They were a little chocolatey. Otherwise, they were pretty good!
Grace M: Our group had a lot of fun during the food lab! We might have put a little too much chocolate in them but who cares!? They're still REALLY good! :-)
Olivia H: Our cookies turned out great and there's never too much chocolate in a cookie!!!!
Danielle B: Making cookies was great! I hope we make cookies again sometime. I will definetly make more cookies at home. My group and I made a few mistakes, but it was still fun to be in the kitchen and use the stove. Our cookies turned out great!
Greg R: Doing this lab made me reallize I need to think of a new career!
Macen P. : I luv cookies.
Lindsey D: It was a lot of fun!
Stephanie R: Making cookies was really fun! I hope we do it again.
John R: I hope we do it AGAIN AND Mrs. Sharp tells the 7th grade to do it. From JRJ
Kalem: Cookies are better than a popsicle on a hot, humid day.
Michael Y: I like to make cookies!
Maggie M: Making cooies is a really fun way to learn!
Maynor G: I thing that doing cookies is very fun.
John G: I love to cook its fun!